About Cambray Brewing
A beer needs to be enjoyed to the very last drop. This is why we make an effort to offer innovative flavors that last until the end. We are proud of the ingredients we use because we know they are of the highest quality and we are so passionate about our production process to the point of undertaking this business. Cambray Brewing is a local craft beer company, born in Costa Rica and ready to offer authentic crafts brews.
We invite you to taste our beer and judge for yourselves.

Available at
Cambray Family
Caribe, Black & Spicy IPA
A black India Pale Ale, hoppy, bitter to begin with because of the strong hops used and the roasted barley that distinguishes a good black beer, complemented with the sweet aroma and taste of coconut leaving a light traces of spiciness in the throat for the need of another sip.

Cambray in your life

Get in touch with us! We are always willing to meet new people, do new business and above all, enjoy a really good beer.
© Cambray Brewing 2017.